Saturday, January 22, 2011

Happy New Year---New Blog!!! Yeah

Actually I have tried to start a blog since 2009. How sad is that. I had 2 posts that were 2 years apart. WOW. This year will be different. Blogging is one of my new year resolutions. So, you see it is the end of Jan when I start to work on that resolution. OH well, at least I am getting started.

January has been very busy for me. I was so swamped this fall with all the shows I do and Christmas. I was busy all the time and loved it. January is usually my down time. I have had several internet sales including one large order of crosses for a Bible study retreat in Dallas, TX. Here is a pic of the large cross they are using as a backdrop.

I have been creating new items as per custom orders. YEAH!!! I made wire jewelry stands for the Glo Salon and Spa in Paragould, AR. I am still in the process of making one more large one for them. And as usual, I forgot to take pictures of them. I will take some pics at the salon to post later. I am also making a mobile for a baby crib. How exciting huh. I have never made either of those items. Creating new items brings joy to my soul. Don't get me wrong, I still love making my crosses. But I love stretching my creativity to help a persons ideas come to life in wire.

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